

Synchronization between the repository and app will start automatically, however, reindexing may be required to manually start the synchronization process.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. To start update of all repositories, go to the Git Integration for Jira app Git Repositories tab then click Reindex All button. Once synchronization is started, the progress will be displayed on this tab.
  2. If a specific repository needs to be synchronized, click the Action icon then Reindex.

Click the view icon to see the reindex progress of the selected repository.

Last Indexed Revision

The app stores the ID of the last indexed commit for each branch. This ID is used to limit the processed data upon reindex or update. This way, only new commits will be indexed on the next synchronization.

Click the Actions icon then Reset to reset the Last Indexed date. Perform this process whenever an app is updated or re-installed.

Reindex and updatedDate Filter

The Git Integration for Jira app automatically changes the updatedDate of an issue when a Git commit is added to an issue upon reindex. When the reindex encounters a commit previously modified by the user relating to an issue, that issue will be updated.

You can enable or disable this setting in the Git Integration for Jira app General Settings screen > Jira Issue Updates.

Indexing Explainer for Jira Cloud

The Git Integration for Jira Cloud app automatically indexes commits, branches, tags, and pull/merge requests.

Starting on October 28, 2019, indexing is now calculated based on per repository activity. The overall goals are to reduce the strain on git services and make the indexing service more available for the webhook triggers.

For detailed information on this Jira Cloud feature, see Feature: Indexing Explainer.

Indexing Errors

Starting v3.6.x+ of the Git Integration for Jira, the app will show an error message under Issues > Git Commits tab.

Jira Server

Jira server indexing error example

Jira Cloud

Jira Cloud indexing error example

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